Japanese Snack Akaishi Crab Seafood Crispy Fried Hot Spicy Fish Eggs Mentaiko Mentai Food KUZE FUKU 52g

Japanese Snack Akaishi Crab Seafood Crispy Fried Hot Spicy Fish Eggs Mentaiko Mentai Food KUZE FUKU 52g

When you buy a product at a store, you are not only interested in the name of the product, but also in what is inside the product, right?

Especially with food, if it is a grocery or snack you are used to buying, you can imagine the taste and shape of the product, but on the other hand, does seeing what is inside make you buy it without thinking? Or would you refrain from doing so?

This time, we would like to introduce you to Kuze Fuku Shoten's Mentaiko Tamago Gani, which may have a strong visual impact and may divide your opinion on whether to buy it or not.



 A whole crab called "Akaishi Crab" is available.

It looks so impressive that many people buy it on impulse.

When you try it, you cannot imagine what it tastes like from the outside.


The tangy spiciness of mentaiko matches the sweetness of the crab.

People who bought it because of the impact of its appearance probably decided to buy it a second time the moment they ate it.


Now, this product is available for purchase in our store.
Please try to buy it.

Click in the link below!



Studio Tokyo

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