Yaokin Umaibo Japanese Popular Snack Bar Various 10 Flavors Food Savory Set Japan

Yaokin Umaibo Japanese Popular Snack Bar Various 10 Flavors Food Savory Set Japan

Yaokin's "Umaibo" has become very popular not only in Japan but also in the world.

A major characteristic of "Umaibo" is its wide variety of flavors.

There are more than 10 regular flavors, including "Cheese Flavor," "Corn Potage Flavor," "Salami Flavor," "Salad Flavor," "Takoyaki Flavor," and "Teriyaki Hamburger Flavor". In addition, if limited-time and regional flavors are added up, the number of flavors will be even more than that.

We present to you 10 flavors of "Umaibo".



Cheese Flavor. Needless to say, this is delicious.



The mentai flavor is good with a slight spiciness. Japanophiles around the world should try this.



The most expensive flavor in the Umaibo series is now available.
The takoyaki flavor has the sauce soaked twice, making the outside crispy. If you are looking for the best value for money, choose the Takoyaki flavor.


●Corn Potage

The corn pottage flavor, the most popular in the Umaibo series, reproduces the taste of creamy corn pottage, and is understandably the most popular.
You will feel as if you are eating corn pottage.


●Cinnamon Apple Pie

In Japan, it is a regional product sold only in Tokyo.
It is difficult to obtain as it is often sold out.
The taste has a hint of cinnamon and apple pie.
People may have different opinions on whether it is delicious or not.



●Teriyaki Burger

The teriyaki burger flavor is good for teriyaki. However, it is not a teriyaki burger flavor. It is a teriyaki flavor, not a teriyaki burger flavor.

In short, it does not taste like meat. But it tastes good.

"What are you saying?"

But if you eat it, you will understand. It is delicious.


●Seaweed Salt

In Japan, many manufacturers sell potato chips flavored with nori salt. This is probably because Japanese people prefer the nori-salt flavor.
Recently, the number of people in the world who prefer nori-salt flavor has been increasing as well.
However, it is better not to eat this Umaibo nori salt flavor. It does not taste like nori salt.
Perhaps it is not salty enough.


●Tonkatsu Sauce

Have you ever heard of "Tonkatsu"?
Tonkatsu is deep-fried pork meat coated with batter and topped with tonkatsu sauce.
Umaibo has recreated this tonkatsu sauce flavor.
However, this Tonkatsu Sauce flavor tastes just like Takoyaki flavor. There is a difference between individuals.
If you eat it blindfolded, you may not be able to tell the flavor.




Many people have never heard of "Yakitori".
It is a Japanese food, in which chicken is skewered and grilled over a charcoal fire. Many people eat it with alcohol.
Yakitori in Japan is generally served with salt and a slightly sweet soy sauce sauce.
Umaibo's yakitori flavor is not yakitori flavor. It is yakitori sauce flavor.
Like the teriyaki burger flavor, you cannot taste the meat. It tastes like sweet yakitori sauce.
However, it is also marinated twice, so the cost is high. If you are looking for the best value for money, Yakitori flavor is probably the best choice.




Personally, this is the most delicious. There are personal differences.
You can feel the taste of salami and can't stop eating it.
The corn potage flavor is delicious, but the salami flavor is probably even better.




Umaibo's reputation varies greatly depending on who eats it.
What is everyone's evaluation of Umaibo?
Our store sells a set of Umaibo. If you have any requests, such as flavor changes, we are always open to them, so please contact us via email.

Japanese Umaibo Snack Yaokin Popular 10 Flavors Puffed Bars Japan Dagashi Vegetables Salt Seaweed Teriyaki Hamburger Apple Pie Sauce Takoyaki Mentai



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Umaibo is a huge hit around the world. We hope you will try them.


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